Connecting Via Source Live

It is not complicated…you join the video chat just by using your browser! Follow the steps below and you will be up and running in seconds:


System requirements

To ensure that your connection and the session run smoothly make sure that you are using:

Mac OS 10.14 or higher
Windows 10 (64 bit)
At least a computer of 2 GHz Intel Core i7 with 8GB RAM
10 MB Internet download speed or higher
1 MB Internet upload or higher


Make sure that you are using:

Mac OSX: Google Chrome
Windows: Google Chrome
Mobile: Android (Chrome) and iOS (Safari)

!!This is really important as even though it might seem to work with other browsers it might present issues during the session!!


How To Connect

Go to the link or copy and paste our Gateway address:

Type in ‘Your Name’ and the ‘Pass Key’ provided via email for your session.

Click on ‘Enter Source-Live Gateway’

Click on ‘Join Chat’

On the Chat Settings Box choose your Camera, Microphone Input, and Sound Output. Unless you have a specific system for conferencing just leave these in Default to use your computers built in interfaces.

‘Connect to Chat’ and you are good to go!

If you have any issues please get in touch with the engineer running your session or for support.